Lifestyle is key to treating hypertension. Here are some lifestyle adjustments to lower and maintain blood pressure.
This site offers food, exercise, stress management, and lifestyle tips to lower blood pressure.
1. Lose weight and stay healthy:
Obesity raises blood pressure. Heavyweight people struggle to meet their health needs. Obesity also strains the heart to pump blood, causing breathing issues. severe hypertension and sleep apnoea.
2. Exercise regularly:
Intense workouts and regular exercise preserve flexibility. Workouts boost metabolism and organ function. Try jumping, skipping, cycling, jogging, rope jumping, and other workouts to lower blood pressure.
3. Dietary health:
Eat more healthy grains, fruits, vegetables, and low-fat dairy and less saturated fat and cholesterol to reduce blood pressure. Following the DASH diet can help prevent hypertension.
4. Cut salt intake:
Avoid eating more than 2000 mg of sodium per day. Select low-sodium foods. Eat less processed food and less salt.
5. Drink less alcohol:
Large alcohol consumption increases blood pressure risk. Limiting consumption when relaxing is ideal. Body adapts to reduction naturally.